The South Coast Marine Park is a significant and controversial marine reserve planned for WA’s southern coast, to be in effect from late 2026.
Proposed as a means for targeted conservation, it will significantly limit recreational finishing and commercial fishing corridors, with 20 per cent of the park being ‘no-take’ areas.
This is a plan to lock up significant fishing waters in a 1000-kilometre-long marine park from Eucla, west to Bremer Bay.
While relevant finishing bodies were open to discussions on the proposed marine park, the South Coast Marine Park has been put forward without appropriate community consultation, with virtually no information provided to relevant peak bodies.
The original proposal of ‘no-take’ areas spanning 25 per cent of the park caused widespread backlash, with the commercial and recreational fishing sectors questioning the rationale behind the proposal.
Driving these concerns are questions of the boundary’s impact on fishing equity, with some businesses losing access to their main fishing supply areas.
Of 6000 respondents to a recent South West survey, more than 90 per cent opposed the marine park.
There have also been concerns that WA Labor could extend the South Coast Marine Park further west should they form government again.
The WA Liberals know this marine park was not properly consulted on and harms many in the fishing industry.
While locals and businesses are open to sensible changes, such changes must be driven by community consultation that is best for locals and their businesses.
Marine conservation and biodiversity are crucial to the future of Western Australia’s coastal waters, but they must be approached with common sense, working in collaboration with industry, long-term fishers, and commercial groups.
Only a WA Liberal Government will ensure that happens.
The WA Liberals believe in working with communities and industry on the South Coast Marine Park and protecting the livelihoods of Western Australians.
Over the last 8 years, WA Labor has sought to expand marine parks across the state, with a large expansion to the Marmion Marine Park and the creation of the South Coast Marine Park.
Iconic recreation, marine and fishing areas across the state are being declared off-limits, without greater discussion of how to balance industry concerns with conservation.
Many in the recreational and commercial fishing industries worry that the South Coast Marine Park could be the first step to an even larger expansion to marine parks in the South West region.
A WA Liberal Government will commission an urgent review of every marine park decision made by the Cook Labor Government.
Our review will be focused on improving access for locals to the areas they have fished for decades with their families, while basing marine conservation on scientific evidence.
This will allow for a future plan to better serve both the industries and community, as well as address best-practice conservation.
While preserving our marine environment is important for future generations, ensuring it is done with proper consultation and understanding will allow recreational and commercial interests to be fairly considered.
Every West Australian deserves to have the freedom to visit their local beaches, enjoy holidays, and pursue outdoor recreation, with restrictions only being exercised where there is strong scientific evidence of need.
Only the WA Liberal Party is committed to doing what is right for the wider Western Australian community, and ensuring everyone can fairly enjoy the beauty of our state.