Compulsory Treatment - Offering Treatment and Support to Those At Risk

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Western Australians dealing with drug addiction need and deserve professional help to rehabilitate.

Substance abuse and drug-related harm in Western Australia has skyrocketed in recent years and the consequences have been devastating for addicted individuals, their families and friends, and the wider community.  

WA has one of the highest rates of meth use in the country, yet the Cook Labor Government continues to withdraw support for services to help addicts recover.

Addiction is primarily a mental health issue — preventing and curing addition will prevent the consequences.

The consequences of addiction — crime, violence, social dysfunction, and family breakdowns — are the ultimate costs of that addiction.

Unfortunately, many drug users cycle in and out of prison as they battle addiction, with few options for longer-term rehabilitation.

Prison, or the prospect of prison, does not cure addicts.

Most addicts have little control or capacity to quit without professional support.

Addicts cannot be scared out of their addiction by the threat of prison.

Many addicts cannot stay clean enough for long enough to make meaningful attempts at rehabilitation, leaving those who love and want to help them frustrated and burnt out.

WA needs a system that can reduce substance abuse, improve long-term recovery rates, and protect public safety.

The WA Liberals know it’s time for a more comprehensive approach.

There is currently no legislation to compel addicts to remain in rehabilitation or to seek rehabilitation.

The Cook Labor Government has put the issue in the ‘too hard’ basket, turning a blind eye to the scale of the problem.

It’s not good enough.

Only a WA Liberal Government will prioritise it.

What We Will Do.

The WA Liberals believe supporting those living with drug addiction is the first step to a safer and more rewarding life for all Western Australians impacted by addiction.

Compulsory treatment has been legislated in other states and many families believe it could be the last available option to help their loved ones break free from life-threatening addiction.

With crime and drug-related harm out of control across the state, it’s clear measures are needed to tackle this endemic.

A WA Liberal Government will introduce court-ordered compulsory drug and other substance rehabilitation for people who repeatedly resort to criminal activity to support to their addiction.

A compulsory treatment order can only be made for up to 56 days, with a possible extension of four weeks, to provide the individual with ongoing care and support to establish a care plan and prepare for discharge.

This will be implemented with clear ethical guidelines, ensuring that interventions are respectful of human dignity and rights.

Individuals undergoing treatment will also have access to continuous care for up to nine months, including mental health services, counselling, and support for reintegration into society.

To support the program’s implementation, a WA Liberal Government will fund five high-care medical beds and 13 residential rehabilitation beds.

Western Australians deserve a government that is focused on the well-being of those fighting drug addiction, and easing the burden on our families, police, hospitals and the justice system.

Only the WA Liberal Party is committed to addressing WA’s addiction epidemic for the benefit of both addicts and the community.

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Authorised by Libby Mettam, Liberal Party,
2 Parliament Place, West Perth WA 6005.