Community Safety: Antisemitism - Protecting religious and racial freedoms

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The rise in antisemitism is sending a deeply disturbing message across the country that it is becoming acceptable to target others based on ethnicity and religion.

Since the October 7 attacks, Australia has seen a concerning increase in Jewish vilification and attacks on religious sites.

The number of anti-Jewish incidents in 2024 hit an unprecedented 116 here in WA, a significant 364 per cent increase from the previous year.

While Western Australians have the right to voice their opinions and protest, it should be done peacefully and respectfully.

Incidents in Sydney and Melbourne have been increasingly concerning, including acts featuring phrases like “Gas the Jews”, “Death to Jews”, and swastikas painted on Jewish buildings.

This has escalated to repeated attacks on synagogues, including the firebombing of the Adass Israel Synagogue in Melbourne.

That behaviour is unacceptable.

Yet, despite growing concerns for the safety and freedoms of Jewish Western Australians, Premier Roger Cook has offered little support to de-escalate the tensions and ensure the safety of the Jewish community going forward.

The WA Liberals believe in a society where its members are treated equally, fairly and without discrimination.  

Tensions around the globe should not result in religious or racial abuse between Western Australians.

Ethnic or religious groups being subjected to abuse, intimidation, and harassment should be supported, and provided with proper safety mechanisms.

Only a WA Liberal Government will ensure it.


The WA Liberals believe there is no place for hate and vilification in Western Australia, especially against the Jewish community.

Following the recent synagogue attack in Sydney, and repeated incidents of antisemitism, there are heightened concerns for the safety of Jewish Western Australians, as well as religious sites and buildings.

While changes to legislation in 2024 — criminalising the display and possession of nazi memorabilia and symbols — have provided a first step to deter antisemitic behaviour, the prevalence and tone of antisemitic attacks and protests demands further action.

More can and should be done to ensure the safety of the Jewish community.

A WA Liberal Government will commit $250,000 to general security measures for the Jewish community, which will provide additional CCTV equipment, temporary barriers, and security personnel, where needed.

We will also seek legal advice from the Law Reform Commission to strengthen the protection of life and property when protests and demonstrations grow violent.

This will work alongside a WA Police community liaison who will coordinate with the Jewish community to combat antisemitism and address areas of concern.

To prevent the further rise of antisemitism, we will support the growth of discussion on the Holocaust — especially the factors that led to the largest antisemitic event in history — in Western Australian schools.

Western Australians, especially Jewish Western Australians, deserve to know the State Government is doing all it can to support and uphold religious and racial freedoms and safety.

Only the WA Liberal Party is committed to addressing the current wave of antisemitism and ensuring the safety of the Jewish population here in WA.

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Authorised by Libby Mettam, Liberal Party,
2 Parliament Place, West Perth WA 6005.