Western Australians can have their say on iconic Horizontal Falls closure

March 21, 2024 10:42 AM
Neil Thomson
Shadow Minister for Environment; Planning

Western Australians now have an opportunity to register their opposition to the Cook Labor Government’s decision to lock the public out of the iconic Horizontal Falls in the Kimberley.

Shadow Environment Minister Neil Thomson, in conjunction with Kimberley businessman Harold Tracey, has launched a petition to the Legislative Council calling on the Government to reverse its decision to close the falls.

The WA Liberals have pledged to reverse the decision if they form Government after the March 2025 election.

Mr Thomson said the State Government had not been able to advance one valid reason for the decision, which would jeopardise the jobs of some 60 people and $15 million in tourism income for the region.

“Many Western Australians are asking why Labor is going to such lengths to close the falls and then further asking what they could be denied access to in the future.” he said.

“This is another decision by a government more interested in ideological chest beating, than in giving balanced consideration to all sectors of the community.

“These falls are in a national park which the Government is obliged to manage for the benefit of all Australians.

“Instead, the Cook Government has failed to show leadership and ensure people work together and address the concerns of various interested parties while ensuring the attraction stays open.”

Mr Thomson said there appeared to have been no previously declared cultural heritage attached to the falls, existing tour operators had consulted widely and invested heavily in providing low-impact access to the falls, and previous concerns around boat safety had been addressed by the relevant experts.

“I urge all Western Australians who would like responsible, sustainable access to this amazing attraction to continue to sign the petition,” he said.

The petition, which will remain open until August 7, can be accessed by clicking HERE

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