• Labor is taking Western Australians for granted, and if they win tomorrow, nothing will change.
• WA desperately needs a reset, it does not need more of the same, and the only party offering a reset is the WA Liberals.
• Use you vote to send Labor a message – and give WA a government that will focus on the right priorities.
Labor is taking Western Australians for granted, and if they win tomorrow, nothing will change, according to WA Liberal Leader Libby Mettam.
“After eight years of WA Labor our state’s health system is on life support, a record number of families are living in poverty, more people are homeless than ever before, more families are experiencing mortgage or rental stress, and there is more crime on our streets and in our homes,” said Ms Mettam.
“Roger Cook is asking Western Australians to consider his government’s experience and vote Labor, what he’s really asking you to do is vote for four more years of the same.
“WA desperately needs a reset, it does not need more of the same, and the only party offering a reset is the WA Liberals.
“Your vote is powerful – and on Saturday you can use it to make a real difference and fix WA.”
The WA Liberals have a fresh new team who’ve had real jobs, with the energy, experience and vision to get things done.
“The WA Liberals are focused on fixing our broken health system, helping WA families make ends meet, solving the housing crisis and reducing crime,” said Ms Mettam.
“I will be uncompromising. There will be no vanity projects.
“There will be no METRONET MKII, no speedway on the river’s edge, no National Rugby League team, and no rocket launcher.”
Ms Mettam said the WA Liberals had the right priorities to deliver on the key issues for all Western Australians.
“We will immediately begin redirecting ambulances with low-priority patients to St John Urgent Care Clinics to reduce ambulance ramping, said Ms Mettam.
“We will also build capacity, implement reforms and incentivise a local health workforce to address bed block in our health system.
“We will pay for patients who cannot get their surgery done within the medically recommended time, rather than leaving them on a wait list.
“We will deliver over $1 billion in targeted cost-of-living relief, including cutting Labor’s electricity tax, doubling the seniors cost of living payment, and helping kids play sport.
“We will unlock 100,000 new homes through our housing infrastructure investment fund, we will cut stamp duty for first home buyers, and support seniors downsizing.
“While Labor have totally vacated the law-and-order space, overseeing a crime crisis across our state, we will put 300 police on the beat from day one, and 500 over four years.”
Ms Mettam said after the biggest boom in the State’s history, Western Australians deserved to feel the benefits.
“Western Australians deserve to reap the benefits of the boom,” said Ms Mettam.
“Don’t reward a complacent Labor Government that is taking you for granted.
“On Saturday, use you vote to send Labor a message – and give WA a government that will focus on the right priorities.”