WA Liberals pledge to overturn ban on future uranium mining leases if elected

March 14, 2024 8:00 AM
Libby Mettam
WA Liberal Leader

WA Liberal Leader Libby Mettam has pledged to overturn Labor’s 2017 ban on future uranium mining leases if elected to develop new opportunities in sustainable energy exploration across the State. 

In an address to industry leaders at the AMEC Breaking Ground forum this morning, Ms Mettam said the WA Liberals were determined to be at the forefront of energy transformation.

“The WA Liberal Party has a long and proud history of enhancing and pioneering the powerhouse that is the Western Australian resources sector,” Ms Mettam said. 

“Growing global demand for clean and sustainable energy sources, including uranium, is critical in this era of energy transformation.

“Western Australia is endowed with substantial uranium reserves and opening up mining of this resource presents a unique economic opportunity for the state.

“Embracing uranium mining in Western Australia not only aligns with our commitment to a sustainable and low-carbon future for Australia but also helps other countries meet their global emissions target.”

Ms Mettam said after a decade of under-investment, uranium prices are soaring as global demand continues to grow. 

“Western Australia had a strong track record in implementing and enforcing robust environmental regulations, ensuring uranium extraction is carried out with the utmost consideration for environmental protection and public safety.

“Uranium mining has been safely and successfully undertaken in other States such as SA and the NT. This does not throw the doors wide open for nuclear power. 

“While we are not ideologically opposed to nuclear power generation, it doesn’t stack up economically for the state energy grid just yet. 

“Developing uranium mining in Western Australia, however, is a strategic move that not only addresses our economic needs but also positions us as pioneers in the global transition towards sustainable energy. 

The four uranium mines that received approval during the Barnett Government were estimated to generate 1700 jobs during construction and 1375 operational jobs. 

Once Labor was elected, three of the four uranium mines were disbanded, and the opportunity was lost. 

“This is an opportunity that should and will be seized if the WA Liberals are elected with support of the alliance.”

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