February 5, 2025 11:00 AM
Libby Mettam
WA Liberal Leader

• WA Liberals to invest to provide Chemo in the Home and additional Hospital in the Home services to West Australian patients.

• Commonsense solution allowing patients to be treated from their own home, rather than hospital.

• Part of the WA Liberal plan to address ramping, free up beds and fix the broken hospital system.

The WA Liberals have today announced $24 million to provide Chemo in the Home services to public patients and additional Health in the Home care services.  

“Chemo in the Home and Hospital in the Home is a healthcare model which provides hospital-level care in a patient’s own home, rather than in a hospital,” said Libby Mettam, WA Liberal Leader and Shadow Minister for Health.  

“This is a gold standard practice, used all around the world, but WA is being left behind, as is so typical under WA Labor.  

“Receiving Chemo at home will allow West Australians undergoing chemotherapy to get the standard of care they expect and deserve in a more familiar and comfortable environment.  

“Allowing patients to maintain their routine, remain surrounded by loved ones, and enjoy the comforts of home will massively improve the overall patient experience, while reducing the stress of being in hospital.”  

In addition to improving comfort, Chemo in the Home and Hospital in the Home have the potential to significantly reduce healthcare costs, through lowering the need for expensive hospital infrastructure, lower administrative costs and lower staffing requirements.  

Currently, hospital-based chemotherapy costs approximately $1,200 per treatment under Activity-Based Funding, whereas home-based services can provide the same treatment for approximately $735, inclusive of logistics, medication, and follow-up care. This represents a saving of $500,000 per 1,000 treatments, which can be reinvested in other areas WA Labor has neglected.  

“This program has been incredibly successful in other states, with NSW recently investing an additional $31.4 million to treat nearly 9,000 patients a year from the comfort of their home,” said Ms Mettam.  

“When we can improve outcomes for patients at home, free up beds for those who need one, and reduce the burden on the health system, it’s just common sense to make this investment.

“Chemo at Home is loved by patients, their families, and medical professionals.

“WA Labor should not deny West Australians these commonsense opportunities other Labor Governments are offering their voters.”  

Ms Mettam said it is part of the WA Liberals’ plan to fix a broken health system, and to make sure it works for all West Australians.  

“Treating people at home can improve their experience, improve patient outcomes, and alleviate the burden on hospitals – this is a no-brainer,” said Ms Mettam.  

“Expanding the availability and use of home chemo services will help reduce pressure on our hospital system, free up beds, and deliver massive benefits to patients and the health system straightaway.  

“Our Building a Better Future blueprint makes Fixing Our Health system a key priority for a future Mettam Liberal Government, and this is just another way we will do that.”

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Authorised by Libby Mettam, Liberal Party,
2 Parliament Place, West Perth WA 6005.